The subject of
the commercial is simple, classic stuff: make a dull hatchback look exciting. In the case of the Auris, the advertisers adopted the novel (if utterly absurd) conceit of having the car filled with tiny real people, all doing fun stuff like playing frisbee, skydiving, jumping off shit, doing skateboard tricks and various other things that I hate or would certainly hate if I ever tried. All this as the most inane, heartbreakingly trite and mechanical song plays. It beseeches us:
The world is in your hands,
The world is in your hands,
The world belongs to
Those of us who still believe we can
Come with us
Come with us
Join with us
Join with us
(You can read the rest of these dreadful lyrics
The source of these thick-as-pigshit platitudes are to be found in the heart of the ad's imaginary, childlike world of the outlandishly large (this is an old technique designed to make a poky, plastic little turd of a car look like it's an aircraft carrier or something). In the glove box to be precise. Here, The Feeling (in miniature too) perform their song for the skaters, the jumpers and the frisbee throwers.
The Feeling are a band who demean themselves in several ways simultaneously:
Firstly, they call themselves 'The Feeling' - a name which might be amusing if they were some sort of Catholic rock band but for a group of supposed rockers, it generates a feeling of immediate 'Buy now at ASDA!', wouldn't you say?
Their lyrics form the second debasement. I don't want to reprint any more of them but if you're of a strong constitution, you could check them out. They are a masterclass in the sort of idiot-inspiring formless gibberish made popular by such acts as Anastasia and Coldplay. Only the most vapid, shiftless twat could find any solace or meaning in this songsheet. And any singer who actually opens his mouth to utter them is scum.
The third shaming comes from allowing their song to be played on a commercial for the Toyota Auris. Now, we all now that there are tons of pop acts who have made a lot of money by selling their art to enable a multinational corporation to use it to trick witless fools into buying their tat. None of them deserve your time. Listen to the bands who refuse to take part in such commercial endorsement: they are always morally, intellectually and musically better anyhow.
As if The Feeling weren't satisfied with everything they have brought upon themselves, they seem to have decided to perfect the process of utter degradation, by actually appearing in the commercial they shamed themselves with. Performing the same debased song, demeaning themselves right down to the name of their 'band' on the drummer's kit.
It should be obvious that no one would ever degrade and humiliate themselves like this for any normal reason. Not even for cash. It should therefore be equally obvious that The Feeling derive a perverse sexual gratification from this self-mortification. There can be nothing other than a deep need to submit, sexually, which has driven The Feeling to this behaviour.
And Toyota use this filth in a commercial.