Likewise, another joke points outs that the signs at the Havana zoo that read “Please do not feed the animals” had to be changed to “Please do not take the animals’ food” soon after Fidel Castro seized power. When the Soviet Union collapsed, and an ailing Russia withdrew its aid to Cuba, the new signs, so the story goes, begged visitors not to eat the skinny animals.
Meanwhile, the population of communist countries continues to starve out the history of utter failure by the Marxist production system. Unprecedented humanitarian aid supplies by evil capitalist America couldn’t prevent the death of 5 million Russians, and subsequently the world had to see how Stalin starved to death over 3 million Ukrainians, 1,5 million kazakhs, and other national minorities by the millions.
In Communist China, chairman Mao’s Great Leap Forward caused the death of over 20 million Chinese, and in North Korea, Kim Gong Il starved to death 3 million in the 1990s, scil. 10% of the entire population, while he tinkered with a nuclear bomb.
Thus, while the world waits for Jean Ziegler to back with data his guesstimate that “the world can easily feed 12 billion people”, it is clear that Marxism could easily kill many more, if it was ever granted the chance.
13 comentaris:
For fuck's sake, La Bête, is it possible that we ever met? because you just cracked the "three achievements" joke which is within my own repertory of jokes to break the ice when confronting later day Communists and otromundoesposibleists (we actually typically end up breaking up all the furniture in the saloon bar, in a Bud Spencer&Terence Hill like effort).
Then you seem to have read the same Economist article I read the other day regarding zoos (zoophilia arising in its more authentic form again), self-styled "Bolivarianos" and latter-day psychotropicale Marxist terminally ill regimes.
Now, I know I promised not to post in here, following the unextricable Alcinous tenet of "posting by not posting" (ask him what he fucking means: I am an ordinary thug, he's a more educated one) for not to mention the the absolute disregard and coldness you guys have received my demands as seen in the first post of this blog, duly buried down under. However, this your last post was impossible not to bite the hook.
Between you and I, confidentially, I am carefully considering my own spin-off blog. I admit that, so far, I have been mostly successful in bringing inflationary tensions in the blogosphere, but I swear that it will be worth it the wait and preliminary tests.
Based on your last posts, I WANT YOU for that überblog in the making. I count on Alcinous and other luminaries, too.
Now, I would like to keep parasitizing this blog and ask you about the name of the blog of blogs.
I am considering a number of names (please keep the due reserve: it is confidential), namely
*thesweetandtenderhoolingans.blogspot (The Smiths due hommage here)
among others
but I would like you to hear your feedback and proposals. I wouldnt like behave like Stanilist BNS in the all-important blog naming process.
Young boys and girls in Che Guevara tattoos will only be accepted upon invitation.
I am 24/7 at your disposal at thenationalfrontdisco(at)gmail
De Jong
"I hate those who hate me"
Please excuse the grammar and typos at my previous post: I was just too busy picking up my panties after I read La Bête's to possibly type or conjugate correctly.
Amendment for the young boys and girls sporting Marxist merchandising tattos:
Those will not be accepted upon invitation as previously indicated, but there will be a quota for them. At this point only ONE (1) such person will be admitted, after meeting the elitist/thuggish requirements and due quarintine, that is.
War Report:
La Bête, given our in synch, yet at times reverse thoughts, I guess I wont surprise you if I whisper by your ear that my purpose is putting up together an unstoppable fantastic team à la Stagger Lee (which, unsurprisingly, is the exact somber but similarly epiphanic, mesianic and redempting reverse of your regrettable Texan Spree thing...)
The position of deranged dead-serious guy storming the grand piano is already reserved for me.
Since I would look slightly grotesque in my admittedly overweight persona and a tight minimal t-shirt, then, if accepted at all (based on the ad hoc quota previously established) BNS will be initially be punished to play one of the two starlette sinuous dancers -the other possibly being Alcinous.
They both are thin enough for the role.
De Jong.
"Mr. Motherfucker: you know who I am".
Damn, are you sure that Nick Cave isn't actually a Pladur fitter from Chilches? I'd swear he's.
On the other hand, DeJong, I hope you understand why I'm turning down your invitation, as the prospects of picking up at your party are pretty discouraging (please check 00:50-00:58 for further details).
Plus I don't understand why do I always have to play the cheap tart, while you play the cool intellectual. Is it some sine qua non to enter your tree house? Well -I have a loft full of
fancy dresses to play with as well.
So, at least for once, I'd like to play the intellectual while you're tarted up. Possible?
Dear Alcinous,
I knew that this moment had to arrive when you became rebellious yourself. Damn.
Anyway...you play the cheap tart because you are fit enough to. Myself playing the cheap tart would be kinda grotesque, provided my slight overweight (it's getting better lately, thanks goodness...but, no, please refrain from firing at me any given "dieta de..." other than the solemn Diet of Augsburg. Thanks.
Besides, you play the cheap tart role because it is YOU who make strange kinky statements including strange numeric references as seen in your unextricable WM00000000 series. You are asking for it, dude!
Finally, you extend your rant against me by calling me names such as "intellectual" (i.e. affluent semi-Marxist paid by public funding). That did hurt.
You know I take pride in being an at times brutal Flemish thug, only indulging in occasional armchair conservatism excursions, never too elaborated, but rather uncompromising and self-referential. In any case, nothing to do with those French egoiste "intellectuals" or American "progressive scholars" descending on delicatessen-only menus after their press conference eagerly covered by El País and other lazy journalism media.
But let's please do our laundry home, if you will.
We are just setting a bad example here for the guys with our semi-queer spats.
Too bad that I'll have to wait for next September to enroll in CCC's next "pladur installing" distance education course.
In the meantime, I'll try to lower my weight so that I can fit in the complimentary tight maglietta they are giving away as a special offer.
Not sure if there will be an internship in or around Chilches, but, for sure, can't wait to know.
Damn De Jong, I understand perfectly your definition of the intellectual, really, so it must be absolutely accurate. If ever, I’d just rejig in it ‘semi-Marxist’ into ‘Übermarxist’ par opposition to his fellow the manual [worker], i.e., the guy placing before his single party comrade the foie de canard à la confiture hors d’oeuvre and the chilled chardonnay in an ice bucket.
Mm... you should have reviewed your rejection of lavish menus though, surely owing to a bourgeois misconception that’s class-marked. Indeed, for utopian Marxism both the waiter and the guzzler -and the pladur fitter- belong to the same working class, so there’s no class struggle between them, no social or aesthetical conflict, since both stand on an equal footing.
Naturally, that comforting thought helps the Übermarxist push the lobster fideuà down.
Eventually, the Übermarxist may decide as well to swap the dull press conference with impolitic journalists by a pack for the media containing i.a. a press dossier, a video with a techno soundtrack and flashy images, and some smart freebies conceived for female journalists, preferably a new design USB or some fashionable solar cellphone loader.
As you see, that makes the press conference completely unnecessary, whereas the consensus around a lavish lunch had been a sine qua non from the beginning, wasn't it?
Mm, le consensus est difficile... pour ceux qui croiaent les soirées au tatouage du Che & verre plastique du McDo incohérente, voici l'opinion d'un dirigéant altermondialiste très aimé des français:
Very interesting footage, La Bête.
The best is when the crowd cheers his
"par-ce que le kola est africaine" boutade and then he looks exactly like a stand-up comedian who just cracked one of the best jokes in his repertoire, waiting for his handclaps.
Among international crooks, I admit I always was condescending to Gaddafi such as I am now (even though less and less) with the latest Chavez version of the international pan-whatever demagogic crook.
At least these show a comical vis, something which can not be said of more regrettable ringleaders such as Fidel Castro, Daniel Ortega and similarly scary hairy presences.
It is interesting how we keep the food/Communism topics from the initial post, but taking it down to the particular Communist sp. diet.
I see some potential in this discussion and I might reply to Alcinous, if not here, that will be in our much speculated blog.
De Jong.
"Connaisez le Coca-Cola"?
I am writing to you in my position as legal representative of De Jong & Alcinous (henceforth, "the artistic couple") to inform you that, after some hard deliberation, the artistic couple has decided of common agreement to follow a consistent nuclear policy line of non-collaboration with the blog Je joue au babyfoot dukla Prague FC [http://bnsminions.blogspot.com], ancillary to the main blog I shot the Mosso [http://downhillsince92.blogspot.com] ("the main blog"), both owned by you.
Thus, unless the artistic couple are not granted full access to the main blog as of September 1st, for what they have in all justice proved entitled enough, my mandators reserve the right to resume their usual activities at the aforesaid www.thesweetandtenderhoolingans.blogspot.com, currently owned exclusively by De Jong until formal incorporation by Alcinous.
Should you want to prevent these developments, I urge you to signal your willingness to include my mandators in the main blog before the end of the deadline with an invitation per e-mail sent personally to ressemblanch (a) gmail.com and alcinoos (a) gmail.com to join the aforesaid blog.
Yours sincerely,
Neville Nipples
I am hereby disowning attorney Neville Nipples. He does not and, more important than that, has never represented the De Jong part of the artistic couple.
He is a well known con artist who knows how to make his false statements look likeable (like the "nuclear policy of non collaboration" which sounds, by all accounts, genuine and true to the artistic couple standard patter).
So, this said, I am *not* asking for permits at either the main or ancillary blogs (I probably have them already) but will be working on the new luminary thesweetandtenderhooligans.blogspot, finally abandoning these uranium fallout polluted blogs.
You can expect a lot of contemmporary music to be discussed there, far right politics and UN bashing (courtesy of De Jong) while kinky sex and whatever else has to offer (he's got a lot to offer, actually) will be on behalf of the Alcinous character.
Since I am lazy, disorganized and, even more important, currently with little time available, I may feel free to copy La Bete workable posts, but carefully respecting copyright issues all the same.
love is death, an escort called Hannah Allum (boy named sue) killed it
I must warn all men that she flirts with to be aware that she is a pathetic heroin addict who cannot injekt herself without help after years of consumption and a half degree from cambridge university.
As publisher of http://cubaninsider.blogspot.com that you reference, your article reflects preaching to the choir that, inside of reading such distortions, should visit Cuba to make their own observations. The pro-Batista, pro-Mafia crowd, of course, prefers that doesn't happen or else their "expertise" might shrivel up. I assume I'm much more pro-democracy and anti-dictatorship and anti-Communism than you but I view our democracy as a work in progress, one that should not support Batista-type dictatorships anywhere on the planet, especially in our own neighborhood. I've been to Cuba and I suggest your choir do the same with an open, not closed, mind. Your suggestion that the Cuban people are starving is a joke. For all its problems, some self-imposed and others imposed from abroad, no one goes hungry in Cuba, no one sleeps on the street, and no large cities anywhere have less crime than Havana, Santiago de Cuba, etc. The History Channel documentary "Declassified: The Godfathers of Havana" correctly depicts Batista's Cuba battering dissidents on the streets with baseball bats, half the population going to bed hungry each night in the midst of obscene profits in the Mafia-controlled Hotel-casinos and the capitalist-owned businesses, etc. Of course, I'm sure instead of suggesting your choir watch that documentary you'll dismiss as "Communist lies."
I miss this.
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