diumenge, 13 de juliol del 2008

A blog about nothing.

An Alcinous, La Bete, Boynamedsue, and De Jong production.

It's a simple idea, based on the UN (because that works so well).

Anybody else with a blogger ID who wishes to may join and publish articles here upon request, but should they irritate any of the 4 above users, they may find their article removed, or even their membership. As in the real world, we the powerful need give no reason for our decision, which will be final.


6 comentaris:

De Jong ha dit...

If it is based on the UN idea, then we start with a good wind behind us to accomplish our goal of Nothing (without the big pays nor perks, though, at least not at this time...but I foresee some glory ahead, really).

In any case, it will take us quite some time to deliver something sound, and by then the name may have surely changed. This blog must be treated only as mere prove tecniche di trasmissione for a bigger thing.

Because, indeed, the name of the blog must be agreed. I take Je Joue au babyfoot dukla Prague FC as a not particularly unfortunate draft, but I may be suggesting things like "This is Canaan" or "All the way from Lochristi to Antwerp and back" (these are just impromptu ideas, not even proposals at this point, even though there seems to be some common ground about toponomy).

Ok, here's my proto-draft: I guess a few Real Estate corners must be built at the blog for each of the co-authors to reign.

*Armchair Ultraconservatism
*Theory and Practice of Stay-behind Intelligence
*All things Italian and
*American pop music hits produced by blacks
are booked for me already (I may rent a room for BNS at the Italian condo: no drugs, no pets, please).

I thought that El Idiota (¿Alfonso?) spoke pretty wisely back in the day when he posted once or twice. He should be invited and then monitored to see if he fits.

Because, indeed, at this point I only endorse the 4 above users for full citizenship rights. The Immigration Department will be in my hands, which will ensure high quality and much needed low bongo noise around here. At least 3/4 of positive votes will be needed for new additions.

Languages approved will be

*French (in manageable doses, though)
*German (preferably limited for warfare or Vorsprung durch Technik vocabulary only, Alcinous)

language we endorse will be
*Scandinavic languages (except barbaric Finnish and eccentric Icelandic)

De Jong.
"three people had my number, the other two were with me"

la bête ha dit...

Avait-on besoin de ça?

Qu'en fut-il, d'ailleurs, de la Place Cartesienne? D'auprès toute évidence, elle vient d'être supplantée par l'arcade "American pop music hits produced by blacks" (musique populaire américaine à succès, produite par des noirs).

Trop de Radio 3 monolingue en anglais, assurément.

The Singing Organ-Grinder ha dit...

Monitor me at your peril, sonny boy.

De Jong ha dit...

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Assuming that you guys would like to see me posting in here (admittedly, that is quite some IF, after having caused havoc where you came from) there are a few things that should be worked out as a preparation for my own descending in here.

I have summarized them in three very clear points.

A.- the site name is all WRONG.

I’m not talking about the "Je joue..." thing, which has, for good or bad, gained some currency by now and I won't object it for the time being

(even though I would have certainly preferred

"Oh My God, Whatever, Etc."

Which, coincidentally, is the name of a Ryan Adams song, too)

My problem is with that ill-fated bnsminions cookie. I wonder how you guys could possibly blindly swallow down your throats such a blatant property statement (not infrequent among so-called Marxists all the same).
As a matter of fact, I am not endorsing anyone here other than myself (let alone BNS). And I thought you guys would think something similar.

If only because Marxist Royal Houses are within the most decadent and pervy in the world (cf. in this regard North Korea and Cuba, possibly Nicaragua, too) and I wonder why on earth we would have to possibly pledge to any given BNS line, either apparent or presumptive.

Ok, he's not damned old, incestuous and/or pedophile, as past or contemporary ruling Marxist Royal Houses are supposed to be, but, in any case, the title is absolutely out of whack and, on the face of it, it ruins whatever we could possibly write in here.

Besides, I am expecting a source of extra income by means of growing royalties from this blog (you guys don’t believe me when I say that we will become rich and/or famous, do you? Just wait…and side with me when the boat is rocking). Probably BNS has also identified this money-maker potential and that is why the ownership remark: he will be ready to axe our fair share of royalties based on that, dudes!.

Have you heard of Andy Rourke vs. The Smiths? Things can get pretty nasty...

BNS, are you going to offer resistance with that or not? This is -I'm dead serious- a critical point, and you know I have the masses support, at least with this one.

B.- Another critical point is the "no incitement to violence" proviso.

It does not matter how much rabidly I may endorse the Ley de Partidos, but the thing is that I wouldn’t like similar legal artifacts to bother me in my own backyard.

d'you know what I mean?

In other words: yes, De Jong is often seen or heard in attitudes which a lame UN civil servant or a female scholar would label as “inciting to violence”, especially of an ethnic and/or political nature.

Would that be a problem, guys?

If so, the possibility of me participating in here has been aborted.

C.- If you were required to, you guys hereby swear on Jesus’
Blood that you will not hand me to any given so-called international court (those UN sponsored are the worse, let alone the ICTY, which is trying to deny the people’s right to wage wars in Europe, too).


How you guys manage these issues will be crucial for my decision.

I’d certainly like to start my own musical reviews, debunk the Spree and offer a hand at La Bête all the same. Among others.

I am looking forward to your favourable response. If you were agreeable, then I commit in trying to drag Alcinous over here, too, as a part of the package.

You may want to think twice, though.

De Jong.

Anònim ha dit...

Luna(boy named sue) is an escort with a problem with heroin who prefers to spend christmas with customers thanwith friends or family. her real name is... HAnnah Allum and cares too much oabout her privacy due to the dirty jobs she has to agree to do for generous amounts that she believes we are all stupid enought to believe she makes it just spanking rich and twisted old men

Anònim ha dit...

love is death, luna killed it